Nintendo and Next Level Games have released a new gameplay trailer for their upcoming game Luigi’s Mansion 3. This trailer showcases the “ScreamPark” multiplayer...
Nintendo have announced an official release date for their highly anticipated game Luigi’s Mansion 3. The game will launch on October 31 exclusively on...
During the Nintendo Treehouse: Live stream, the company released an additional 17 minutes of gameplay footage for their upcoming game Luigi’s Mansion 3. Luigi’s...
Following the new trailer during their E3 press conference, Nintendo unveiled some additional gameplay footage for their upcoming game Luigi’s Mansion 3 during their...
During their E3 press conference, Nintendo unveiled some new gameplay footage for their upcoming game Luigi’s Mansion 3. Luigi’s Mansion 3 is in development...
Luigi fans are rejoicing around the world as during Nintendo Direct, Nintendo announced they are developing Luigi’s Mansion 3 for the Nintendo Switch. The...