Bandai Namco have officially announced they are developing a mobile game based on the popular Naruto series titled Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing. The...
After only 2 weeks on the market in Japan, Square-Enix’s prequel to Valkyrie Profile, Valkyrie Anatomia, has surpassed 1 million downloads. To celebrate the...
Square-Enix have launched the official English website for their Romancing SaGa 2 remake coming to Android and iOS. Below is a full overview of the game...
Square-Enix have announced they are developing a new game called Valkyrie Anatomia: The Origin. This new RPG is “planned for distribution” in Japan this...
Capcom have established a “mobile business division” known as Capcom Mobile. Capcom Mobile was previously known as Beeline Interactive Japan and will focus on...
Following its successful launch in Japan, Nintendo have announced a release date for their first mobile game Miitomo in the West. Nintendo announced Miitomo...
Bandai Namco have released the second teaser trailer for their upcoming mobile game Tales of the Rays. The teaser trailer reveals main characters Ickx...
Earlier today Crystar Games announced they will be porting their upcoming time-based puzzle game Remnant over to mobile devices. Remnant is currently in...