Capcom have released a development diary for their upcoming Iceborne expansion of Monster Hunter World. This video showcases some of the features including Guilding...
Capcom have announced they will be collaborating with Assassin’s Creed and their popular game Monster Hunter: World. This collaboration will see the “Bayek Layered...
Capcom have announced that total worldwide shipments and digital sales for their wildly successful game Monster Hunter: World has topped 8.3 million copies. Monster...
Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia have announced they are releasing a special Playstation 4 Monster Hunter: World Value Pack in Japan. Launching on July...
During Square Enix’s E3 press conference, the company announced that Final Fantasy XIV will be collaborating with Capcom’s wildly popular Monster Hunter: World. We...
Capcom have announced a collaboration between Devil May Cry and Monster Hunter: World. This collaboration will allow players to craft a weapon described as...
Capcom have announced that worldwide shipments and digital sales have topped 7.5 million. This makes it the best-selling game in Capcom history. Monster Hunter:...