Bandai Namco have released the second trailer for their upcoming 3DS game Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X. This new trailer introduces the Ultimate...
FuRyu have released the second trailer for their upcoming 3DS game The Alliance Alive. This new trailer looks at locations, characters, battle system, and...
During the Dragon Quest The Real opening event at Universal Studios Japan, Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii teased that there will be an announcement...
FuRyu have released new gameplay footage of their upcoming 3DS game The Alliance Alive. This new video introduces the “Ornithopter” system which is a...
Huge news coming out of Japan as Capcom have announced four more collaborations for Monster Hunter XX. These collaborations include The Legend of Zelda:...
FuRyu have released a new trailer for their upcoming 3DS game The Alliance Alive. This trailer introduces vehicles, world map, and events. The Alliance...