Ratalaika Games, Shinyuden, and Masaya Games have announced a release date for the classic action platformer Cyber Citizen Shockman. The game will launch on...
ACE Entertainment have released the debut trailer for their upcoming farming simulation title Tales of Seikyu. This title will have the player take over...
Forever Entertainment and Storm Trident have released a new trailer for their upcoming Front Mission 2: Remake. This trailer showcases the game’s story. Originally...
Compile Heart have released the first official trailer for their upcoming Neptunia title Neptunia GameMaker R:Evolution. Neptunia GameMaker R:Evolution releases in Japan on August...
XSEED Games and Marvelous have released a new gameplay trailer for their upcoming JRPG Loop8: Summer of Gods. This trailer showcases mechanics and elements...
Devolver Digital and Pastagames have announced they are developing a new multiplayer side-scrolling platformer titled KarmaZoo. This title is advertised as being about helping...