Bandai Namco have released the first gameplay trailer for their upcoming One Piece game One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4. This character trailer showcases Basil...
Paradox Interactive have announced that Crusader Kings will now be a trilogy with the announcement of Crusader Kings III. Crusader Kings III releases in...
Riot Games have announced they are developing a tactical first-person shooting game for PC currently under the codename Project A. No release date was...
PQube and Raredrop Games have announced that their upcoming turn-based mecha game Warborn has been delayed. The game was scheduled for release later this...
PQube and Level 91 Entertainment have announced they are developing a new arcade racing game called Inertial Drift. Inertial Drift releases in Spring 2020...
The one-man developer Lewa has finally released their first-person parkour platformer Celaria for PC via Steam. Celaria has been in development for 7 years...
Sky Haubirch and Pyxton Games have announced they are developing a multiplayer horror game for PC titled Beyond Senses. Beyond Senses releases on December...