Bethesda and id Software have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Doom Enternal. This new trailer showcases the Doom Hunter. Doom Eternal...
During Gamescom 2019, HyperX have announced a new headset called the Cloud Alpha S. This headset will include bass adjustment sliders which will allow...
During their episode of Inside Xbox at Gamescom 2019, Microsoft revealed that Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition will be releasing on November 14...
Asmodee Digital and Fantasy Flight Interactive have released a new gameplay trailer for their upcoming card game The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card...
During Gamescom 2019, Kalypso Media and Realmforge Studios announced they are developing new game for Xbox One, Switch, Playstation 4, and PC titled Spacebase...
During Gamescom 2019, Paradox Interactive and Hardsuit Labs revealed a new trailer for their upcoming game Vampire: The Masquerade- Bloodlines 2. The game releases...