Bandai Namco have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Doraemon Story of Seasons. This trailer showcases the interaction system which is how...
Inti Creates have announced that their upcoming game Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX has received an official release date. The game will launch on...
Bandai Namco have released a development diary for their upcoming Digimon game Digimon Survive. The video features producers Habu Kazumasa and Tsuzuki Katsuaki sharing...
Bandai Namco and Marvelous have released the second trailer for their upcoming game Doraemon Story of Seasons. Doraemon Story of Seasons releases in Japan...
Atelier Mimina have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Giraffe and Annika at BitSummit 7 Spirits. Giraffe and Annika releases later this...
Mad Dog Games and Saber Interactive have announced that Ghostbusters: The Video Game is being remastered for the Xbox One, Switch, Playstation 4, and...