Soedesco have released a new “feature showcase” trailer for their upcoming racing game Xenon Racer. This trailer showcases the photo mode. Xenon Racer releases...
Bandai Namco have released a new feature video for their upcoming Dragon Ball game Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission. This video showcases the...
During Game Developers Conference 2019, Merge Games and Red Blue Games released a new teaser trailer for their upcoming game Sparklite. Sparklite releases this...
Gaming furniture company X Rocker have announced they have acquired Custom Controllers UK who are a company who makes custom-made gaming controllers. Gary Shaw,...
During the Game Developers Conference, OtherSide Entertainment revealed a new teaser trailer for their upcoming PC game System Shock 3. The video features gameplay...
Ubisoft have released version 1.03 for Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 earlier today. This patch makes some PC-specific adjustments as well as general changes...