Bandai Namco have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Dragon Ball FighterZ. This character introduction trailer introduces us to the Prince of...
Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia have released a live-action dance trailer for Bungie and Activision’s recently released Destiny 2. This trailer is titled “Freestyle...
YouTuber Cycu1 has made comparison video for Square Enix’s upcoming Secret of Mana remake. The video compares the remake to the original Super Nintendo...
Atari gave released an overview and the first gameplay trailer for their upcoming arcade-style shooter Tempest 4000. Announced last month, Tempest 4000 will see...
Bandai Namco have released a new trailer for Dragon Ball FighterZ. This new character introduction trailer introduces Goku. Dragon Ball FighterZ releases in early...
Bluehole have announced that PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds since its release on Early Access on March 23, it has sold over 10 million copies worldwide. Chang...
Warner Bros. Interactive and Monolith Productions have released a new trailer for their highly anticipated game Middle-earth: Shadow of War. This new trailer introduces...