Warner Bros. Interactive and Monolith Productions have released a new trailer for their highly anticipated game Middle-earth: Shadow of War. This new trailer introduces “Forthog...
Bethesda Softworks have released a five-minute gameplay trailer for their highly anticipated game The Evil Within 2. This video features gameplay footage from the...
Monolith Productions and Warner Bros. Interactive have released a new trailer for their highly anticipated game Middle-earth: Shadow of War. this new trailer is...
Following the release of the teaser trailer, Ys Net have released three additional screenshots for their highly anticipated game Shenmue III. Shenmue III will...
City Connection, Kadokawa Games, and Chara-Ani have released the debut trailer for their upcoming game The Game Paradise: CrusinMix. The game is a enhanced...
Frozenbyte, the developers of Time, have announced their upcoming “co-op blast ’em up” game Nine Parchments will be releasing this Holiday season on PC, Xbox...