During Gamescom 2022, Troglobytes Games released a new gameplay trailer for their upcoming sci-fi action-adventure game Blind Fate: Edo no Yami. Saverio Caporusso, CEO of...
GoldKnights and Prime Matter have announced they are developing a new third-person action RPG titled The Last Oricru. The 350 years “young”, sarcastic, and...
During the Future Games Show, Aurogon Shanghai unveiled a new gameplay trailer for their upcoming action platformer Afterimage. Developing has been put into overdrive...
During Future Games Show, Bloober Team released a new trailer for their upcoming horror title Layers of Fears. This gameplay trailer showcases some a...
Frontier Foundry and KeokeN Interactive have released a new trailer for their upcoming sci-fi title Deliver Us Mars. This game showcases part of the...