Silkworm Sweatshop have released a trailer their 2D action platformer The Wizard and the Slug. This new trailer announces their upcoming Kickstarter campaign which...
Alex, AKA Electrocosmos, has released a Steam Greenlight trailer for their hack’n’slash game Runic Rampage. Some of the game’s features include the following.. Lots...
During their 2017 press event, NIS America announced a release date for the PC version of Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness. The company noted the game...
During Final Fantasy XIV Fan Fest 2017, Square Enix released the opening movie for Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood will release...
Deck13 and Focus Home Interactive have released 13 minutes of gameplay footage for their upcoming game The Surge. The footage features commentary by game...
NIS America have released a new development diary for their upcoming game Birthdays the Beginning. The dev diary features creator Yasuhiro Wada discussing the...
Adult Swim Games and The Foregone Syndicate have released a new trailer for their upcoming single-player first person action game DESYNC. This new trailer...