Acquire have released the second trailer for their upcoming strategy RPG Adventure Academia: The Fractured Continent. Adventure Academia: The Fractured Continent releases on September...
Team17 and OverBorder Studio have announced that their upcoming action RPG Thymesia has been delayed. The game had been scheduled for release on August...
Acquire and KaeruPanda have released the debut trailer for their upcoming dungeon RPG Labyrinth of Zangetsu. Labyrinth of Zangetsu releases in Japan on 29...
Inti Creates have announced they are bringing their popular side-scrolling title Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 to PC via Steam some time this winter. Azure...
Gameforge have announced they have partnered with Whiteboard Games to published their upcoming sci-fi roguelite title I See Red when it launches later this...
Ravenscourt and Parabole have announced they are developing a sequel to their adventure title Kona titled Kona II: Brume. The game is currently scheduled...