Bandai Namco have released a new trailer for their upcoming Dragon Ball game Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission. This new trailer showcases the...
PQube and Art Co. LTD have released the official gameplay trailer for their upcoming visual novel game Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa. Kotodama:...
Saber Interactive and Focus Home Interactive have released a 5-minute development diary about their upcoming game World War Z. This video showcases how the...
THQ Nordic and Black Forest Games have announced that their upcoming survival adventure game Fade to Silence has received an official release date. The...
Soedesco have released their third Feature Showcase trailer for their upcoming racing game Xenon Racer. This new video showcases the game modes throughout the...
Electronic Arts and DICE have announced that Battlefield V’s battle royale mode known as “Firestorm” will be releasing across all platforms on March 25....
Nippon Ichi Software have released the second trailer for their upcoming detective adventure game Murder Detective: Jack the Ripper. Murder Detective: Jack the Ripper...
Amata K.K. have announced their upcoming virtual reality adventure game Last Labyrinth has been delayed. The game was suppose to be released this Spring,...