Bandai Namco have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker. This new trailer introduces the “Combat Battle” battle...
During the Dengeki Playstation live stream, Compile Heart showed off five minutes of gameplay for their upcoming game Super Neptunia RPG. Super Neptunia RPG...
Hi-Rez Studios have announced they are bringing their free-to-play battle royale game Realm Royale to Playstation 4 and Xbox One. While the release date...
The Square Enix Collective and Wonderstruck have announced their upcoming sandbox MMO Boundless has received an official release date. The full version of the...
RedG Studios have released the second gameplay trailer for their upcoming survival horror game S.O.N. S.O.N. releases on December 11 exclusively on Playstation 4....
Sony Interactive Entertainment have announced their upcoming Playstation VR game Astro Bot: Rescue Mission has received Western release dates. North America will receive the...
Bandai Namco have announced that the Italian contortionists himself, Voldo, has been added to Soul Calibur VI. Soul Calibur VI releases on October 19...