Sega have released the second and final development diary centered around Sonic Mania Plus. The video features Sonic Team creative director Kazuyuki Hoshino and...
Focus Home Interactive and Cyanide Studios have announced their upcoming game Call of Cthulhu has received an official release date. The companies revealed the...
The latest issue of V-Jump has revealed that Bandai Namco are developing a new survival RPG centered around the Digimon universe titled Digimon Survive....
NIS America have released a new trailer their upcoming game Disgaea 1 Complete. This trailer introduces the game’s system. Disgaea 1 Complete releases in...
Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia have announced they are releasing a special Playstation 4 Monster Hunter: World Value Pack in Japan. Launching on July...
Playstation Undergrounds have released 12 minutes of gameplay footage for Spyro Reignited Trilogy. This video showcases the “Idol Springs” level from Spyro 2: Ripto’s...