Konami have released the opening movie for the latest entry in the popular baseball franchise Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2018. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball...
Ark System Works and Toybox Games have released the opening movie for their upcoming visual novel World End Syndrome. World End Syndrome releases in...
Sega have released the first character trailer for their upcoming game Valkyria Chronicles 4. This trailer introduces us to the Federation Army characters Claude Wallace,...
5pb. have released the opening movie for their upcoming game Memories Off: Innocent Fille. Memories Off: Innocent Fille releases in Japan on March 29...
Headup Games and Pine Studio have announced that SEUM: Speedrunners From Hell has received an official release date for Playstation 4. The companies revealed...
After failing to reach their fundraising goal on Fig, G-rouding and White Owls announced they will be relaunching their crowdfunding efforts for The Good...