Sega have released a new introduction trailer for their upcoming game Valkyria Chronicles 4. This trailer introduces the Prologue that sets up the story...
Warhorse Studios and Deep Silver have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Kingdom Come: Deliverance. This new trailer showcases the game’s plot...
Sony Interactive Entertainment have released a new trailer for their upcoming remake of Shadow of the Colossus. This new trailer focuses on the story....
During their latest financial results, Sony announced that worldwide shipments of the Playstation 4 has now topped 76.5 million. This saw a total of...
Marvelous have released the first full-length trailer for their upcoming game Fate/Extella Link. This trailer showcases some of the returning characters to the game...
Square Enix have released version 1.21 of Final Fantasy XV. This update makes changes to the camp with skip-to-morning and skip-to-night options now available...
Level-5 have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. This trailer showcases the boss battles, battle system,...