Bandai Namco have released two new trailers for their recently released Gundam game Gundam Versus. These trailers show off the pair of upcoming playable...
Atlus have released the fourth character trailer for their upcoming game Dragon’s Crown Pro. This new character trailer introduces us to the Dwarf. Dragon’s...
Capcom have released 20 minutes of gameplay footage for their highly anticipated Monster Hunter game Monster Hunter World. These videos introduce the weapon actions, monsters,...
Ukuza, Macrales Studio, and Shibuya Productions have released a gameplay teaser trailer for their upcoming four-player platforming game Epic Loon. Epic Loon will release...
During the second Kamen Rider Game Broadcast, Bandai Namco revealed that Kamen Rider Black has been added to their upcoming game Kamen Rider: Climax...
Ninja Theory announced via Press Release that their recently released and highly praised game Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice has now passed the 500,000 units sold...