Monolith Productions have released a new trailer for their highly anticipated game Middle-Earth: Shadow of War. This new trailer introduces us to the Terror...
Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive have officially released their popular city-builder Cities: Skylines on Playstation 4. To celebrate, the companies have released an official...
Magnus Games have officially announced that their upcoming co-op monster raising RPG Re:Legend will be coming to Switch, Xbox One, and Playstation 4. This...
In a recent interview with GameSpot, Ubisoft Creative Director Justin Farren revealed that there will be no single-player experience without multiplayer. Even going as...
Despite receiving positive reviews, LawBreakers has not been selling as fast and some had predicted. Despite this, LawBreakers Manager Cliff Bleszinski said that he...
Ubisoft have announced that update 1.7 of Tom Clancy’s The Division is coming August 15. This update will see numerous additions including Classified Gear...
Bandai Namco have revealed the sales figures for their popular fighting game Tekken 7. During their Q1 financial results, the company revealed that Tekken...