Bandai Namco have released a 14-minute introduction trailer for their upcoming Gundam game Gundam Versus Mobile Suit. This introduction trailer introduces us to over...
Focus Home Interactive have released the E3 2017 trailer for their upcoming action RPG Vampyr. In addition, the company also announced the game will...
Blizzard confirmed via the Official Overwatch Twitter account that the dance emotes will be unavailable the Overwatch anniversary event. This also means it will...
The latest issue of Dengeki Playstation has revealed that Nippon Ichi Software will be releasing their dungeon RPG Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain on...
Earlier today U.K. speedrunner MatthewDont was the first to submit a speedrun for Tequila Work’s recently released game RiME. Matthew managed to complete the...
Following some leaks over the past week Sony Interactive Entertainment have confirmed they are releasing a limited edition Gold Playstation 4/ The console will...