Bandai Namco have released the second trailer in their character series. This new trailer introduces us to King, Jack, Steve Fox, Nina Williams, Lucky Chloe,...
Bandai Namco have announced that Ace Combat 7 has been delayed until 2018. The game’s Director released the following statement this morning.. Dear Ace...
Capcom have released new gameplay videos for their upcoming Xbox One and Playstation 4 ports of Resident Evil Revelations. Resident Evil Revelations is available PlayStation...
Thunder Lotus Games have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Sundred. This new trailer titled ‘Resist’ features gameplay from the first region “The...
Bandai Namco have released a new introduction trailer for Gundam Versus. This new trailer introduces us to “00 Raiser (GN Sword III). In addition, the...
Huge news as the first chapter of Injustice 2’s story mode has leaked online. YouTuber TheHackingFreak uploaded the first 15 minutes of the story mode....