Nippon Ichi Software have released the first in a series of short character trailers for their upcoming game Exile Election. The first trailer features...
According to the United States Patent and Trademark Office Bungie has filed a trademark application for “DestinyCon” hinting they could be hosting a convention based...
Kadokawa Games announced that Root Letter has sold 200,000 copies worldwide. This number includes both physical and digital copies. While the company did not...
Guerrilla Games head Hermen Hulst has announced that their upcoming game Horizon: Zero Dawn has gone gold. This means that development is finished and...
Bandai Namco have finally released Digimon World: Next Order in Europe and North America. To celebrate the occasion, the company have released the launch...
Playtonic Games have announced that their spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie, Yooka-Laylee, has gone gold. This means that production is complete and is ready for...