Bandai Namco have released a new trailer for their upcoming installment in the Gundam series SD Gundam: G Generation Genesis. This new trailer features...
XSEED Games have released an English version of their Akiba’s Beat trailer that features Saki Hoshino. You can view that trailer down below.. Akiba’s...
XSEED Games have announced that Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity has received a North American release date. The company noted the game would be released on...
Koei Tecmo have released a new gameplay trailer for their upcoming game Berserk. This new trailer features the playable character Schierke. You can view...
Otherside Entertainment have announced more of their development for their upcoming game System Shock 3. Many thought the inclusion of Warren Spector as Creative...
In a recent interview with Famtisu, Valkyria: Azure Revolution Chief Producer Youichi Shimomoto, Producer Katsura Mikami, and Director Takeshi Ozawa revealed more information about...