Sega have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Project Sakura Wars. This trailer showcases the designs of the main characters. Project Sakura...
Arc System Works and French Bread have released the opening movie for their upcoming game Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r]. Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] releases...
Capcom have announced that their upcoming Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection has been delayed. The game was scheduled for release on January 21, but...
Arc System Works and Cygames have released a new trailer for their upcoming fighting game Granblue Fantasy: Versus. This trailer showcases the soundtrack that...
Koei Tecmo and Omega Force have released the second trailer for their upcoming game Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate. Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate releases in...
D3 Publisher and Tamsoft have released a new gameplay trailer for their upcoming game Onechanbara Origin. Onechanbara Origin releases in Japan on December 5...