Team17 and Fika Productions have announced that their upcoming roguelite game Ship of Fools has received an official release date. The game will launch...
XSEED Games and Froach Club have released a new trailer for their upcoming title Melon Journey: Bittersweet Memories.In celebration of National Melon Day, the...
Embark Studios have announced that upcoming free-to-play co-op action game ARC Raiders has been delayed. The game had been scheduled for release later this...
Compile Heart have released a new character trailer for their upcoming RPG Fairy Fencer F: Refrain Chord. This trailer introduces us to the characters...
Team17 and OverBorder Studio have announced that their upcoming action RPG Thymesia has been delayed. The game had been scheduled for release on August...
As confirmed by Bloomberg Law, Judge Richard Seeborg of the Northern District of California have dismissed a class-action lawsuit against Sony Interactive Entertainment. The...