Sega and Rya Ga Gotoku have released the opening cinematic for their upcoming game Lost Judgment. Lost Judgment, which is Yakuza spin-off title, will...
Movie Games and Brave Lamb Studio have announced they have partnered with the Imperial War Museums for their upcoming society survival game War Hospital....
Prime Matter and Gold Knights have released the official overview trailer for their upcoming third-person action RPG The Last Oricru. The Last Oricru releases...
Serenity Forge and Team Salvato have released the official launch trailer for their newly released visual novel Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!. Doki Doki...
Koei Tecmo and Omega Force have released the debut trailer for their upcoming Dynasty Warriors game Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires. Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires...
Bandai Namco have released a new character trailer for their upcoming RPG Tales of Arise. This trailer showcases the character Shionne. Tales of Arise...