News Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 1&2 Coming To U.S. Xseed has announced that they will be releasing both The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 to North America and... RyanJune 5, 2015
News Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair Coming To U.S. Xseed announce earlier today that they will be releasing a new Earth Defense Force game called Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New... RyanJune 5, 2015
Handheld Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders From Planet Space Coming To U.S. It seems like those who are fans of the Earth Defense Force games in the United States will be happy after reading this article.XSeed... RyanMay 30, 2015
Featured Unity Pro For Free? Unity Technologies and Sony Computer Entertainment have teamed up and announced today that they will be giving away Unity Pro for free to licensed... RyanSeptember 17, 2014
News Has Vita Found a Niche? Let’s face it, to most gamers the PS Vita is a flop, but they have actually have shifted their focus away from first-party games... RyanSeptember 12, 2014
Featured What Percent of PC Games Were Digital? If you’ve ever stepped into a video game store in the past 4 years you’ve probably noticed that the amount of games that are... RyanAugust 24, 2014
Featured New Dragon Quest Game Announced Square-Enix announced at their Dragon Quest Summer Festival in Tokyo that there are developing a new Dragon Quest game. During the event, they had... RyanAugust 18, 2014
3DS How Much Do Developers Make? As a gamer, it has probably crossed your mind at one given point in your life to become a game developer. Well if you... RyanJuly 22, 2014