Bandai Namco have released the first gameplay trailer for their upcoming One Piece game One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4. This character trailer showcases Basil...
Sony Interactive Entertainment and Other Ocean have released a new trailer for their upcoming remake of MediEvil. MediEvil releases on October 25 exclusively on...
Paradox Interactive and Hardsuit Labs have announced that their upcoming game Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 has been delayed. the game was scheduled...
PQube and Raredrop Games have announced that their upcoming turn-based mecha game Warborn has been delayed. The game was scheduled for release later this...
PQube and Level 91 Entertainment have announced they are developing a new arcade racing game called Inertial Drift. Inertial Drift releases in Spring 2020...
Sony Interactive Entertainment and Other Ocean have released the second trailer for their upcoming remake of MediEvil. MediEvil releases on October 25 exclusively on...