During the Gamescom 2019 Opening Night Live show, Square Enix and Dontnod Entertainment released the official launch trailer for Life is Strange 2 Episode...
During the Gamescom 2019 Opening Night Live show, Bandai Namco and Tarsier Studios announced they are developing Little Nightmares II for Switch, Playstation 4,...
THQ Nordic and Airship Syndicate have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Darksiders: Genesis. Darksiders: Genesis releases later this year on Switch,...
During Stadia Connect, Bungie debut a new trailer for their upcoming expansion pack for Destiny 2 titled Shadowkeep. Destiny 2: Shadowkeep releases on October...
Bethesda and id Software have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Doom Enternal. This new trailer showcases the Doom Hunter. Doom Eternal...
Natsume have announced that their upcoming fishing game Reel Fishing: Road Trip Adventure has received an official release date in North America. The game...