Devolver Digital and From Software have released a retrospective trailer for their upcoming game Metal Wolf Chaos XD. Metal Wolf Chaos XD releases on...
Bandai Namco have released the third development diary for their upcoming RPG Code Vein. Code Vein releases on September 27 for Xbox One, Playstation...
Microids and Artefacts Studios have announced they are developing a new racing game centered around Garfield titled Garfield Kart: Furious Racing for Xbox One,...
Atlus have released a new character trailer for their upcoming game Persona 5 Royal. This new trailer showcases Morgana. Persona 5 Royal releases in...
During their latest financial results, Sony revealed that total worldwide shipments of the Playstation 4 has now topped 100 million units. Other details that...
Nippon Ichi Software have released the debut trailer for their upcoming adventure game Bokuhime Project. Bokuhime Project is in development for Switch and Playstation...