Bethesda Softworks, id Software, and Avalanche Studios have released a new trailer for their upcoming shooting game Rage 2. This new trailer showcases the...
Nippon Ichi Software have released the first in a series of character trailers to promote their upcoming visual novel game Murder Detective: Jack the...
Sony Interactive Entertainment have announced their lineup of free games for Playstation Plus members in the month of April 2019. These games include Conan...
D3 Publisher have released a new trailer for their upcoming Earth Defense Force game Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain. This trailer showcases the “Dream...
Funcom and Rocky Planet Games have announced they are developing a first-person cosmic horror game called Moons of Madness. This game is in development...
Sony Interactive Entertainment have announced that total sales of Playstation VR has reached 4.2 million units worldwide. This means that throughout the previous seven...