Acquire have released the second trailer for their upcoming strategy RPG Adventure Academia: The Fractured Continent. Adventure Academia: The Fractured Continent releases on September...
Acquire and KaeruPanda have released the debut trailer for their upcoming dungeon RPG Labyrinth of Zangetsu. Labyrinth of Zangetsu releases in Japan on 29...
As confirmed by Bloomberg Law, Judge Richard Seeborg of the Northern District of California have dismissed a class-action lawsuit against Sony Interactive Entertainment. The...
Ravenscourt and Parabole have announced they are developing a sequel to their adventure title Kona titled Kona II: Brume. The game is currently scheduled...
Bandai Namco and Artdink Corporation have released the opening movie for their upcoming action RPG SD Gundam Battle Alliance. SD Gundam Battle Alliance releases...
Sony Interactive Entertainment have announced they will be introducing a new program called Playstation Stars some time this year. This program will be free...
The trailers just keep on coming as Nippon Ichi Software and Vanillaware have released the seventh trailer for their upcoming game GrimGrimoire OnceMore. This...
Viridian Software have announced that their upcoming visual novel Gloom and Doom has received an official release date. The game will launch on July...