El Dia have released the debut trailer for their upcoming remastering of Doukoku Shoshite. This visual novel was originally released back in 1998 for...
Sega have released two new gameplay trailers for their upcoming Sonic game Sonic Forces. These new trailers showcase the Bird Hero Character battling with...
Bethesda Softworks have released the launch trailer for their highly anticipated game Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus will release...
Sony Music Entertainment’s new publishing label Unties and Rayark have announced Deemo Reborn. Deemo Reborn is in development for Playstation 4 and be made entirely...
The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has revealed that Kemco’s visual novel Rei-Jin-G-Lu-P will be receiving a physical edition run on Playstation 4. The...