During the Playstation Press Conference, Bandai Namco announced a new Gundam game titled Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2 for Playstation 4. This “team...
During the Playstation Press Conference, Atlus and VanillaWare announced Dragon’s Crown Pro for Playstation 4. The game will releasing in Japan on January 25....
During their Playstation Press Conference, Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia released a new trailer for their highly anticipated remake for Shadow of the Colossus....
During the Playstation Press Conference, Bandai Namco announced a new Idolmaster game titled The Idolmaster: Stella Stage for Playstation 4. The game will release...
According to the Xbox Marketplace, Warner Bros. Interactive and Monolith Productions’ highly anticipated game Middle-earth: Shadow of War will have a file size of...
PEGI (Pan European Game Information) has rated Square Enix’s Final Fantasy IX on Playstation 4 within Europe. This means that we could see Final Fantasy...
Activision and Sledgehammer Games have released a new trailer for their highly anticipated game Call of Duty: WWII. This new trailer overviews the story...