City Connection, Kadokawa Games, and Chara-Ani have released the debut trailer for their upcoming game The Game Paradise: CrusinMix. The game is a enhanced...
Frozenbyte, the developers of Time, have announced their upcoming “co-op blast ’em up” game Nine Parchments will be releasing this Holiday season on PC, Xbox...
Speaking with Metro GameCentral, Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki revealed that Shenmue III will be much like the first two installments in the series with...
Fatshark have announced a sequel to Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide titled Warhammer: Vermintide 2. The game is in development for Xbox One, Playstation...
Square Enix have released version 1.14 and 1.15 of Final Fantasy XV. These update add the “Assassin’s Festival”, chapter selection, and the beastiary among various...
Digital Domain have announced a new “cinematic, episodic virtual reality experience” for Playstation VR known as DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles. The game will release...
Area 34 have released the PAX West trailer for their upcoming Advance Wars-inspired turn-based tactics game Tiny Metal. Tiny Metal will release this Fall...