Marvelous have released a video featuring 35 minutes of gameplay footage for their upcoming game Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Blast. Senran Kagura: Peach Beach...
Gust and Koei Tecmo have released a new character trailer for their upcoming game Blue Reflection. This new trailer introduces the older sister-like character...
During Dengaki Game Festival 2017, Idea Factory announced Hakuoki Shinkai: Fuukaden for Playstation 4. It is believed to be compilation of Hakuoki Shinkai: Kaze no...
During Dengeki Game Festival 2017, Compile Heart announced that the Genkai Tokki series will be coming to Playstation 4 with the title Genkai Tokki:...
Famitsu have release gameplay footage of the upcoming Final Fantasy XV DLC Episode: Gladiolus. Episode: Gladiolus DLC will release on March 28 for Playstation...