According to TOEI Animation’s latest financial report, Bandai Namco and Witchcraft have had to delay their upcoming Digimon game Digimon Survive. The game had...
Hideo Kojima and Kojima Productions have something to celebrate about as the company revealed that sales of Death Stranding has now passed 5 million...
Bandai Namco have released a new 25-minute gameplay trailer for their upcoming Idolmaster game The Idolmaster: Starlit Season. This video showcases a one week...
Buka Entertainment and Cafundo Creative Studio have announced that their upcoming puzzle adventure game Tetragon has received an official release date. The game will...
Frontier Developments have released the first development diary for their upcoming construction and management simulation game Jurassic World Evolution 2. This development diary features...
Electronic Arts and Codemasters have announced that a new entry in the GRID franchise is in development titled GRID Legends. This latest installment will...