In a recent interview with Eurogamer, former SCE Worldwide Studios President Phil Harrison was asked his thoughts on console exclusives. During the interview, Harrison...
Sony Computer Entertainment and Naughty Dog have released a new 30-second CG trailer for their upcoming game Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. Uncharted...
Tequila Works have announced they have now acquired the rights to Rime from Sony Computer Entertainment. The company have always developed the game Rime,...
Sony Computer Entertainment have released new information regarding to the upcoming system update for Playstation 4. The update is version 3.50 and is codenamed...
For those who have an interest in previewing new updates before they are released, Sony Computer Entertainment America is now looking for beta testers...
Huge news to report as Sony Computer Entertainment announced today they will be merging with Sony Network Entertainment and will be renamed Sony Interactive...
Despite having Room Scale tracking, Sony is still “strongly advising” developers to create seated titles for Playstation VR for safety reasons. Vernon Harmon, SCE...