Sony Interactive Entertainment and Sucker Punch Productions have released a new trailer for their anticipated game Ghost of Tsushima. Ghost of Tsushima releases on...
Sony Interactive Entertainment and Sucker Punch Productions have announced that their anticipated game Ghost of Tsushima has gone gold. This means that development is...
Thanks to WIPO Patient Scope, Sony Interactive Entertainment have filed a new patient for “targeted gaming news and content feeds.” This patient was filed...
During their PS5: The Future of Gaming event earlier today, Sony Interactive Entertainment officially unveiled the Playstation 5. The PS5 will have two models,...
It’s long been speculated that Sony Interactive Entertainment and Polyphony Digital are working on a new Gran Turismo game and that rumor has received...
Sony Interactive Entertainment have announced that their upcoming PS5: The Future of Gaming presentation has been postponed. The event was schedule to take place...
Thanks to Comic Book, we have learned that Sony Interactive Entertainment have quietly shut down the online shooters for their PS Vita game Killzone:...