Bandai Namco have announced that their upcoming free-to-play title Gundam Evolution has received official release dates. The game will launch in North America on...
SuperSixStudios have released a new trailer for their upcoming third-person action RPG Pirate Dragons. This trailer introduces us to a new dragon called Draguana....
Kasedo Games and Beard Envy have announced they are developing a new spaceship-repair simulator titled Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop. Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop will cast...
Thunderful Games and Digital Kingdom have announced that their upcoming “shoot ’em up like” game Swordship has been delayed. The game was scheduled for...
Saber Interactive and Saber Porto have released a new gameplay trailer for their upcoming racing title Dakar Desert Rally. Dakar Desert Rally releases on...
Movie Games and Byte Barrel have announced that their upcoming game MythBusters: The Game has received an official release date. The game will launch...
After 6 years in development COWCAT have released their new title BROK The InvestiGator. Inspired by 80’s/early 90’s cartoons with a darker spin, BROK...
Fireshine Games and Auroch Digital have announced that their upcoming beer brewing simulator Brewmaster: Beer Brewing Simulator has received an official release date. The...