THQ Nordic and Mirage Game Studio have released a new developer diary for their upcoming game Space for Sale. This latest video showcases exploration...
Japanese studio sprite have announced that their upcoming visual novel Everlasting Flowers has received an official release date. The game will launch on June...
Dead Drop Studios have announced that their upcoming on-rails shooter Railbreak has received an official release date. The game will launch on December 22...
Frozen District and Empyrean have released their brand new point-and-click title Forgery Craft on PC via Steam. From the company behind House Flipper, “Forgery...
Flyhigh Works, Esquadra, and Skipmore have announced they are developing a new action adventure title for PC titled Fairune: Fragment Isles. Fairune: Fragment Isles...
Atlus have released a new character trailer for their upcoming game Persona 3 Reload. This trailer introduces us to the character Yukari Takeba. Persona...