Square Enix have released a 20-minute development diary titled Inside Final Fantasy IX. This even contains some secrets about the game’s development. Final Fantasy...
Kongregate and Twirlbound have announced they are bringing their open-world action adventure game Pine to the Nintendo Switch in August. The game will also...
Devolver Digital and Askiisoft have announced that their upcoming game Katana ZERO has received an official release date. The game will launch on April...
Fellow Traveller and Chance Agency have announced they are bringing their upcoming survival game Neo Cab to the Nintendo Switch later this year alongside...
Microsoft and Studio MDHR have announced they are bringing their wildly popular Indie title Cuphead to the Nintendo Switch via Nintendo eShop on April...
The Behemoth have announced that Castle Crashers Remastered is coming to the Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch. The company did not provide a release...