Bandai Namco have released the debut trailer for their upcoming game in the Kamen Rider franchise Kamen Rider: Climax Scramble. Kamen Rider: Climax Scramble...
The folks over at The Famicast have uploaded 5 minutes of off-screen gameplay footage for Level-5’s upcoming Yo-kai Watch game Yo-kai Watch 4. Yo-kai...
D3 Publisher have released a teaser trailer for their upcoming Switch game in the Omega Labyrinth series Omega Labyrinth Life. Omega Labyrinth Life releases...
Nintendo have announced they will be releasing a special Switch bundle containing Fortnite starting on October 5 for $299.99. This bundle will contain the...
WeirdBeard have announced that the Switch port of their popular tower building game Tricky Towers has received an official release date. The developer revealed...
Luigi fans are rejoicing around the world as during Nintendo Direct, Nintendo announced they are developing Luigi’s Mansion 3 for the Nintendo Switch. The...