FDG Entertainment have released the debut trailer for the Switch port of their open world action adventure game Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King. Blossom...
Koei Tecmo have released the second trailer for their upcoming game Nobunanga’s Ambition: Taishi. Promising to be the biggest game in the series, Nobunaga’s...
Nicalis have announced that the Switch port of VVVVVV has received an official release date. The publisher revealed the game will release for Switch...
Atlus have officially announced the next game in the Shin Megami Tensei series will be Shin Megami Tensei V for Nintendo Switch. Using Unreal-Engine...
Area Zero announced at Touhou Kouroumu 13 that they will be making a Switch port of Touhou Sky Arena: Gensoukyou Kuusen Hime Matsuri Climax. This game...
Limited Run Games have announced they will start publishing retail games on the Nintendo Switch next year. The company currently publishes Indie titles on...