Another Indie and Glass Heart Games have released a new teaser trailer for their upcoming action platformer Vigil: The Longest Night. Vigil: The Longest...
Nacon, Cyanide Studio, and Lekir Studio have released the debut trailer for their upcoming fantasy roguelike game Rogue Lords. Rogue Lords releases in 2021...
Nightdive Studios have released a new teaser trailer for their upcoming game Shadow Man: Remastered. Shadow Man Remastered is currently in development for Switch,...
During IGN’s Summer of Gaming live stream, Zen Studios revealed that their upcoming game CastleStorm II has received an official release date. The game...
Wired Productions and KeokeN Interactive have announced that the Switch port of Deliver Us The Moon has been cancelled. According to the publisher, the...
Konami have released a new trailer for their upcoming baseball game eBaseball Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2020. eBaseball Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2020 releases in Japan...