Neos Corporation have released the debut trailer for their upcoming party game Issho ni Asobo Koupen-chan. Issho ni Asobo Koupen-chan releases in Japan later...
Since the release of Animal Crossing: New Horizon and the quarantines taking place worldwide to combat COVID-19, Switch units have been selling out everywhere....
Konami have released the opening movie for their upcoming baseball game eBaseball Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2020. eBaseball Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2020 releases in Japan...
Private Division, Virtuos Games, and Obsidian Entertainment have announced that their popular RPG The Outer World has received an official Switch release date. The...
GungHo Online Entertainment have released a 10-minute CGI movie for their upcoming game Ninjala. Ninjala releases in Europe and North America on May 27...
Compile Heart have released a new teaser trailer for their recently announced RPG Mary Skelter Finale. Mary Skelter Finale is in development for Switch...