Sega have released a new introduction trailer for their upcoming game Valkyria Chronicles 4. This trailer introduces the Prologue that sets up the story...
Warhorse Studios and Deep Silver have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Kingdom Come: Deliverance. This new trailer showcases the game’s plot...
Square Enix have released version 1.21 of Final Fantasy XV. This update makes changes to the camp with skip-to-morning and skip-to-night options now available...
Bandai Namco have announced that total shipments and digital sales of their recently released fighting game Dragon Ball FighterZ has passed 2 million. This...
Koei Tecmo have released details for the Dynasty Warriors 9 Season Pass. This pass will include three different packs including additional weapons, 10 furniture...
During there latest financial results, Capcom revealed that Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite has now sold over 1 million copies worldwide. Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite...