Bandai Namco have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Dragon Ball FighterZ. This character introduction trailer introduces us to the Prince of...
Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia have released a live-action dance trailer for Bungie and Activision’s recently released Destiny 2. This trailer is titled “Freestyle...
Atari gave released an overview and the first gameplay trailer for their upcoming arcade-style shooter Tempest 4000. Announced last month, Tempest 4000 will see...
Bandai Namco have released a new trailer for Dragon Ball FighterZ. This new character introduction trailer introduces Goku. Dragon Ball FighterZ releases in early...
Warner Bros. Interactive and Monolith Productions have released a new trailer for their highly anticipated game Middle-earth: Shadow of War. This new trailer introduces...
According to numbers from vgchartz, Destiny 2 pre-order numbers are extremely low compared to its predecessor. 7 weeks from launch, Destiny had 1,713,023 pre-orders across Xbox...